Sunrise Gospel Hour
j.d. carlson era
JOE & june carlson in CFCN Studio in Calgary

carlson era sunrise gospel Hour
team 1943 -1947?

Earlier carlson Team - Not Dated

Sunrise Bookroom Window Display and Indian Chief Actor

1st Anniversary Display - Perhaps of Carlson era start?

Edmonton Crusade at Beulah Tabernacle
where J.D. Carlson was Pastor before
moving to Calgary to take up the
Sunrise Gospel Hour.

Group Staff and Guest Photo

Front: June Carlson ( Sister, Trio) Rev. J.A. Tingley (Associate) Yvonne Anderson (Trio)
Back: Mrs. J.D. Carlson, Visiting Singer?, Norma Jespersen (Trio), Visiting Singer?, Joe D. Carlson

Joe and June Carlson (on Marimbaphone)
in the Calgary CFCN Studio.

Answering The Radio Mail?

Joe D. Carlson 1945 Testimony Tract
This Is My Story - pdf

as Given on the Broadcasts of the Sunrise
Gospel Hour on CFCN Radio Calgary Alberta
a.k.a. " From Jazzband To Jesus "

Jim & June (Carlson) Cunnigham
Jim was Joe's Assistant Who Also Worked With Him
In Edmonton's Beulah Alliance & Later with
the Mission To Children in California.

Pennies From Heaven

By June Cunningham - Sister to J.D. who married
Sunrise Gospel Assistant Jim Cunningham

High River Meeting Ad 1960's
